
Welcome to Photographic Creations

We are a small family run photographic business built up only recently to commemorate my father, David Austwick who sadly passed away in February 2020. His life was revolved around his love of Photography. We have set up Photographic creations in his memory and to show you later in our gallery a selection of his life’s work.


Our history

My father’s passion for photography started early on in his life, a self-taught photographer. Reading endless number of books and photographic magazines. When he reached his early teens, he built his own dark room so he could develop his own photographs. He was so determined to increase his knowledge of photography that if he did not get it right the first time round, he would keep at it until he got it right.

Trip to Patagonia This Picture was taken on a trip to South America. An amazing picture of the mountains of Patagonia, with the reflection of the mountains in the water.
Photograph taken with a Canon 5D ISO 400 - f /8.0 - 1/100sec

Our history

He continued his love for photography, while at the same time going into filming. Even though he enjoyed filming, his main passion was behind the camera, travelling to different parts of the UK, mainly the Lake District. The Lake District was not just his passion as a photographer, he also enjoyed getting up into the mountains eventually climbing all 214 of the Wainwrights. Going to all lengths, some rather risky, just to get that one photograph. He would wait for hours just to get the right lighting. To him photographs were not just photographs, each photograph told a story.

The Eiger in Switzerland This is a place I visited when I was younger and is a place i will never forget. An amazing view from the sation at Kleine Scheidegg. Continuing on the railway up to the Jungfrau, which boasts to be the highest railway station in Europe. This photograph was taken from Kleine Scheidegg with a Canon 5D ISO 100 - f/8.0 - 1/500sec.

Our history

He travelled all around the world from America, the South Americas and the Inca trail to Borneo, China, Australia, Africa and more; and has come back with some fantastic photographs. My father’s photographs were his pride and joy, he was hoping to be able to set this small business up himself but 5 years ago he became too ill, he was worried his photographs would not be seen and enjoyed. Since my father’s passing, we have set up this small family run business to commemorate his life’s work and his love of photography, to share and continue his legacy. My father taught me all I know about photography, and his passion for photography continues inside me.

A Trip to the Himalayas This trip took my father right into the heart of the Himalayas. He came back with some fantastic pictures, following the Annapurna trail. This picture is of my father with Dhaulagiri in the background, Dhaulagiri the seventh highest mountain in the world at 26,795ft.

What's new?

Please have a look at our gallery and I hope you enjoy the photographs as much as my father enjoyed taking them.