Sandy Bio

Hello, I’m Sandy Weinberg.

For more than 30 years I’ve studied and practised a variety of self-improvement approaches, during which time I have completed the necessary requirements to graduate as a qualified and certified coach as well as a licensed counsellor in The Netherlands.

Inspired by personal health issues, trauma, and loss, I went in search of answers and solutions for my various health and life issues. After surviving life-threatening complications following double surgery, I knew that I was the only person who could create the type of change I needed. My priority became – and remains today - improving my quality of life. This was the spark that inspired my aspirations to make counselling and coaching my future profession.

I have been able to resolve many life and health challenges that I was told were either chronic or irreversible. Consequently, I’ve found that being accountable and taking responsibility for my mental, physical, and emotional well-being has allowed me to create a rewarding life and a future that is filled with possibilities. I am grateful for many things I have learnt along the way.

After investigating, researching and experimenting with many approaches to positive change, I’ve selected what I consider to be the most effective elements of each and apply them in accordance with their potential to support and bring about change.

On the basis that not every approach works for everyone, I continue to study to increase my knowledge, enabling me to provide my clients with well-rounded and thoroughly tested solutions, so that they are able to realise their desired results.

Accreditations and Certifications:

  • Counsellor Certification.
  • Professional Counsellor Accreditation specialising in Stress, Relationships and Loss.
  • Science of Loss Therapist Certification.
  • Attachment and Relationships Certification.
  • Problem Solving and Resilience Coaching Certification.
  • Certified Mindset Coach, Levels I and II.
  • Reiki Level I (Shōden) and Level II (Okuden) Practitioner Certification.

My Objectives

  1. To support you in achieving your desired outcome(s) and teach you how you can support yourself independently in the future.

‘Creating lasting change can take time. It requires consistency and will benefit from a well-thought-out plan.’

  1. To shine a light on whatever you want help with, addressing it together, and ensuring that what you’ve become used to experiencing in the past will no longer be a part of your future.

‘When you consistently take the right type of action for your situation, you will start to see things change for the better in your life.’

  1. To help you acquire greater self-awareness and gain a deeper understanding of why you act and react the way you do, so that sustainable positive change becomes easy to achieve.

‘You are the most important person in your life. Together, we can work on ensuring you have the best possible relationship with yourself.’

  1. To start with what matters most to you and progress at a pace that is comfortable.

‘Our goal is to work towards the change you are looking for, and what you’ll learn during our time together you can also use again in the future.’

  1. What your drivers are:.
  • What has stopped you from living the life you desire.
  • What could get in the way of creating the change you want.
  • What it is that inspires you to pursue this change.
  • How achieving your aims would impact your life.
  • What are your drivers for wanting to achieve and maintain these changes.

The answers to these questions will help us create a plan and, in the process, brainstorm the detailed and most appropriate steps for you to follow, including anticipated time frames, follow-up actions, realistic expectations, and the type of support you might need or want from me along the way.

‘Asking for help and support is a bold step to take. It shows you are ready to start experiencing the change you seek.’

Send me your questions or book a no obligation, complimentary conversation here.

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